New Rainbow Six Siege Operators revealed

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Ubisoft revealed the Operation Steel Wave in a tweet from official rainbow six siege twitter handle earlier and now on Rainbow Six Siege official site. A gif was posted along with the tweet. However, You can clearly see some broken steel rods half-buried in the ground and the shadows of two new rainbow six siege operators approaching.

New Rainbow Six Siege Operators

Melusi (Specialist Thandiwe Ndlovu)

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The first operator with a large bag is named Melusi from South Africa. She is a three-armor one-speed operator and a defender. The leaked weapons that Melusi will operate with are  T-5 SMG, Super 90 shotgun and the RG-15 pistol. Also, the other gadgets that Melusi carries are deployable shield and impact grenade.

The banshee sonic defense will act like a barbed-wire slowing down enemies significantly, deal with damage in time, won't be affected by melee attacks, and can mark gadgets. The banshee is bulletproof and can be used by other team-mates once placed by Melusi.

Ace (Specialist Håvard Haugland)

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The operator from Norway is named Ace. Firstly, he is a two-armor two-speed operator and among the most ruthless attackers. Secondly, he is equipped with AK-12 and M1014 rifles, along with P9 pistol. Also, the other gadgets that he possesses are breach charge and smoke grenade.

He possesses a S.E.L.M.A. Aqua Breacher, which works on compresses water power in the form of a cylinder and explodes one time on ceilings and floors. It can also create a hole for the operator in a wall if deployed 3 times. Also, having multiple units Ace can throw it up to any height.

A trailer for the new season was also revealed check it out here.

Recommend- Rainbow Six Siege Operators: All updates

Apart from the new operators and operation steel wave we will witness a lot of changes in this season. Also, you can find the map being modified, proximity alarm, operator balancing, skins, operator's price, and matchmaking changes. You can find these here.